Indiana State Department of Health Caught Manipulating COVID-19 Deaths

• By Judith Pitcher • Oct. 1, 2021 • Republished with permission from LibertyTalkFM • Follow LibertyTalk FM on twitter. •

Gross Malfeasance Continues to Mark Tenure of Dr. Kristina Box as Head of Indiana State Department of Health

INDIANAPOLIS – Following a review of the Indiana State Department of Health COVID-19 death data in conjunction with their primary data partner, Regenstrief Institute, a systematic & troubling pattern emerges in the monthly death totals beginning in February of 2021 and has since persisted every month. For the last eight months, the total COVID-19 positive deaths reported by ISDH are noticeably less than the COVID-19 hospital deaths as reported by Regenstrief. Whereas between March 2020 and January 2021, total reported deaths were always higher than hospital deaths, as expected due the fact that not all deaths occur in a hospital. 

So, where are the 2,300+ COVID-19 positive deaths that appear to have occurred in a hospital, but have yet to be reported by ISDH over the last 8 months?

Well, on Friday, September 24th we asked both ISHD and Regenstrief Institute, and as of the publication of this article, we have only received a response from one Regenstrief Center Operations Director:

“To confirm we present this data as we receive it from the state [as they manage all Indiana death records]… As for the differences beginning in February 2021, we have our data team and technical team looking into it.”


Indiana State Department of Health suspends daily COVID-19 case reports

Along with this tweet on Tuesday, September 28th:

While it’s great that the ISDH is going to cease with the constant daily blasts of fear about cases and deaths, sadly, it has nothing to do with transparency.  They are hoping for fewer eyes and less light, not more. 

The reality is that even while they are severely under-reporting deaths, those adjusted down numbers that they do manage to report look awfully devastating to the “It’s Our Shot, Hoosiers!” vaccine propaganda they continue to push.

Pandemic of the Vaccinated?

September 2021 is shaping up to be the deadliest month of the “pandemic” for those aged 30 to 59 with a reported COVID-19 positive death count of 223 in 2021 with an average of nearly 54% vaccinated [44.6% to 62.6%] as opposed to 28 total COVID-19 positive deaths in September of 2020

Hoosiers do indeed deserve transparency, Dr. Box. Even if that transparency contradicts the safe and effective vaccine narrative you continue to stand by and proselytize. When will you see to it that all deaths are accounted for and properly reported?
